Monday, March 23, 2009

So why does turning 25 stink?

Ok so now, I'm not hitting some kind of quasi mid-life crisis or anything, just feeling a little down since my birthday. It's like, from the time you can remember, you're really looking forward to your next birthday, when you're 12, oh yay, I'll be a teenager next birthday! Then you're looking forward to 14/15 because then you can get your permit! And then ofcourse, 16 is so magical right, your drivers license, etc. You know how it was, when we were 15 1/2 we wouldn't say "I'm 15 1/2" you say "I'm almost 16". Then the big 18, that was one of my favorite ages to turn, you're an adult now!! And then my 20th birthday was pretty cool, no longer a teenager sounded so grown up. But my total favorite was 21, now I was really an adult! And life was so exciting, I was looking forward to dating, and marriage, and all that good stuff! The next couple of birthdays were tolerable. Then 25. Well, now I can rent a car and pay no extra fees. Yay, sounds great.

But now, the future looks long and monotone. The biggest thing I see in the future right now, seems like age 60 when I can start getting those senior discounts, and maybe retire! ugh. Just thinking about being that old makes me even more depressed. So, anyways I am just rambling right now, but I am beginning to understand why so many middle age women begin hiding their age and stay stuck at 21. Well I would definitely appreciate advice on how to age gracefully. Seems like I need help with that right now. Oh, and one other thing. I guess the one stop between 25 and retirement would be having babies. That might add some excitement from here to there. So I'm thinking I should probably wait quite a while more, don't want to use up the last great thing to look forward to between now and 60...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm sitting in the airport, waiting for my turn to board. I'm heading to Tennessee for the weekend to see my wonderful family. My friend dropped me off a little bit early, so I get a little me time. Yay! It sure feels nice to sit down for a little bit and just have nothing better to do than get online, and not have to feel guilty about it! =) So we had two Bible workers staying at our house for the last 10-11 weeks. The last one is leaving tomorrow, so it's going to be strange to have our house to ourself again! Although I feel bad, because Teddy and I didn't get to spend alot of time with them since we are gone all the time, I will miss having them here. Now you all peeps out there need to come visit, because there's alot of extra room now!

So I promised a picture of our piano, so here it is. I can't figure out what to do with the rest of this room yet, so it's pretty empty. Just the piano and our formal dining table. No pictures, nothing. Hmmm...need some inspiration, and some time!
Does anyone have any sheet music of semi-classical music they wouldn't mind passing along? I need to start practicing my music reading again, all I've been doing is playing what I've remembered over the years, and hymns. But I wouldn't mind something cool to learn.
This past weekend Teddy and I spent some time on our garden. We are installing a border to help keep the beds level and, since they're raised beds, from falling.
I'm so happy that our little tomato plants are growing quickly! 10 tomato plants, that will be so nice! Photobucket
I don't know why I'm so excited about the tomato plants particularly, maybe because I remember that little old lady at church when I was young. She would always bring her delicious, homegrown tomatoes to potluck, and even after we'd had our fill she'd go around asking us, "Yun's wan a 'mater?" lol Can you hear the S. IL accent? By the way, did you know the difference between a Texan accent and a Southern accent? Texans say 'ya'll' and Southerners say 'yun's'! Well my turns coming up here pretty soon, so I should sign off. Yes, I get to see my family in 6 1/2 hours!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So I'm just sitting here, waiting for our piano to arrive. Finally, I still can't believe we found one we could afford! Craigslist, I tell you, it just doesn't seem to let me down too often. =) I love it! This gentleman bought this baby grand new in 2003, and it has just sat in his livingroom because his kids never wanted to learn. So now we get a great deal on a nice, black baby grand. I'm so excited, I wonder if I'll have time to play it? Uh-oh, that's another story. Well I'll have to make time, because the other day in church after everyone went to potluck I decided to play for a while. Well, I could hardly play anymore. So yes, I need to make time, I don't want my six years of lessons to go down the drain!! Our conference president really inspired me on Monday, he played a few songs for worship that almost blew our socks off. Whew!! One day I'll be that good...maybe. Well I hope to post some pictures soon, my blogs have been pretty boring lately. =D Anyways, here's to having a little time to get on here and share and, to everyone who posts and reads, I do read your blogs and enjoy them and I hope you can bear with my monthly posts and check back so often because I know things will start getting pretty rough in the new few months with the summer coming on us! I will be a program head this summer again, and Teddy is running and program and a half this summer, instead of just one. It will be another adventure in the art of organization and time management and faith! Until next time...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wow it's almost been two months since I've posted on my blog. No excuses, but really it's hard to get online just for fun these days when we don't have internet at home. Teddy and I made that decision so we would have less distractions at home and more time for 'us-let's-sit-down-and-talk-about-our-day' time. But, once I'm at the office where there is internet, well the pressures of school and work and deadlines take over and usually the last thing I can think of is getting onto blogspot or myspace! So that is my catch-22, my dilemma. We like not having internet or cable at home, yet it brings with it other unwanted complications.

So where do I start?? Christmas vacation? In short, we went to Solvang for a short while on our way to GYC in San Jose, followed by a trip to Lake Tahoe with friends and a couple days of skiing. For me, it was a refresher course since it has been forever since I skiied. When we got back it was straight back to work, and then more skiing that weekend. Teddy and I found some killer deals on skis and a snowboard (for him) so now we'll be going more often! Anybody up for a day at the slopes?

Besides a little fun here and there, I've been hard at work, we usually leave the house by 6:30 or thereabouts and hit the gym, then head to work at 9am. I have a couple of hours in the middle of the day to study, then back to work until 9pm. We usually aren't back home until 9:30 or later. Weekends are blessed times I'll tell you what!

So I'm so excited I am looking for a piano now! We feel like we can finally afford one, so I'm hitting up craigslist with ferocious energy. I really want a black baby grand, but we'll see...

God has been doing some awesome things in my life, but that is for another time.
Until next time!