Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Sabbath!

It's been a long time since I've written, and I have no real excuse. Well, I might have a small one. A couple of weeks after the superbowl I decided to go on an all out media fast. I mean no radio, no music, no TV, movies, internet (unless it was work-related like emails) and no facebook or blogging either. I feel like I gained alot from it. I don't know exactly how to put it into words, exactly what I may have gained, but it had something to do with clarity, peace and more time on my hands. Alot more time. The hardest thing, believe it or not, was when I was in the car. I always listen to music or NPR, always! So instead I took the time to listen to the Bible on audio or pray aloud.
After it was over, I've been out of habit with FB and this blog, so it seems. Or maybe not too many interesting things are going on? Life keeps ho-humming along, work, work and some play, and then more work. I love my job(s). I love my husband. I love spending time with him. That time will get more scarce as the summer comes along. One thing that is coming up is gardening. Yay! Although our tiny plot is nothing to brag about, I do look forward to the meager provisions that will be springing forth soon.
This time, we aren't planting one single tomato plant! They were a real disappointment last summer, and they were 90% of our crop. This time we're going to stick with what really worked, corn and green beans. And maybe lettuce and onions. We didn't really eat the beets... :-/

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